Kia Ora, Talofa, Malo e le lei, Bula vinaka, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia orana, Namaste, Ni hao & Welcome
School Office Hours
9:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday
Do you need our support?
Concerns, Compliments & Complaints are all welcome!
We are always trying to ensure our school is meeting the needs of all our families as best we possibly can. In order to be as responsive to our communities needs as possible we always like to hear from our families of any challenges you are having. We encourage you to contact your child’s class teacher wherever possible in the first instance as they will have the most knowledge of your child and their needs. We have set up an email address for those that contacting through email would be easier, will go directly to members of the Senior Leadership Team who will be able to promptly have the most appropriate person at the school follow up. Please feel free to use this email address to send through any of your concerns, compliments or complaints at anytime.